Intro to

Starts: July 11th, 2022

Intro to Go (golang) is a 12 week, instructor led, online program designed to get software developers with little to no Go experience ready to write production ready code. It focuses on the common mistakes that developers new to Go are likely to make, and ensures that they have practical knowledge to be productive in their day to day efforts. This course features weekly instructor led classes, reading materials, discussion posts, exercises, and graded weekly assignments.

Apply Now

Registration Deadline: June 1st, 2022

Course Details

Intro to Go is a 12 week, instructor led, immersive Go course designed to prepare developers with little to no Go experience to write production ready Go programs and work in professional, development teams.
This course is unlike any other Go course you might have taken. Each week you have a live class with the instructor to cover the current and past week’s material. Each week will also feature reading, videos, code samples, exercises, quizzes, and graded assignments. Yes, this is a graded course.
We believe that in addition to understanding Go, developers need to know how that knowledge and understanding applies in the real world. This course not only requires coding assignments delivered through GitHub Pull Requests, and other means, but also writing assignments. Being able to distill your thoughts and ideas and communicate them clearly is a vital skill to have in the real world.
Intro to Go is not for the faint of heart. We expect a minimum of 8-12 hours each week from those enrolled. So, if you’re ready to roll up your sleeves and get your hands dirty, please apply now and let us help you on your journey into one of the most exciting, and in demand, programming languages on the planet.

Class Length, Size, and Price

Intro to Go is a 12 week course and has a class size limited to 30 students. This course costs $2,500.

Expected Outcomes

  • Students will be able read and understand Go syntax.
  • Students will be able to spot common coding pitfalls in Go and correct them.
  • Students will understand the internals of Slices and how to use them properly.
  • Students will understand how to write idiomatic Go using core principles such as embedding and interfaces.
  • Students will have a strong understanding of concurrency and how to apply it to their projects.
  • Students will understand how to create proper tests, including table tests.

Included Topics

  • Arrays And Iteration
  • Building And Compiling Go Applications
  • Concurrency With Channels
  • Concurrency With The Sync Package
  • Concurrency
  • Context
  • Embedding And Composition
  • Errors
  • Functions
  • Interfaces
  • Maps
  • Modules And Packages
  • Modules And Packages
  • Pointers
  • Slices
  • Syntax And Types
  • Table Driven Testing
  • Testing Basics
  • The Go Command
  • Tooling

Class Schedule

The course is broken down into two major sections. The first section is more about learning fundamentals, getting familiar with the language, and doing weekly exercises and quizzes for reinforcement.

The last section will be geared towards building a project, in which weekly concepts are introduced to continue to add features and functionality to your final graded project.

1st section weekly schedule (weeks 1-8):
  • 2 Hour Live Instructor Led Session
  • Weekly/graded assignments take about 4-6 hours per week to complete
  • 1-2 quizzes and exercises that should take 1-2 hours to complete
  • 1-2 hours of reading/review of weekly material
2nd section weekly schedule (weeks 9-11):
  • 2 Hour Live Instructor Led Session
  • 4-6 hours of feature/function development on final project
  • 1-2 hours of graded quizzes/exercises
  • 2-4 hours of reading/review/research for final project
The final week all projects are graded and final feedback is given to the students.